
UX Research · Product Management · Experience Design · Onboarding


Role: Co-Product Manager + UX Researcher

Location: Remote 

Ampled is an artist- and worker-owned digital cooperative platform for direct community support for all musicians.


Ampled launched in 2020 during the COVID pandemic to provide musicians direct recurring support from their community and fans.

For the first year, Ampled took no revenue and instead refunded the cooperative member dues directly back to artists.

Feature Launch:

Pay What’s Fair

Member dues, determined by a collective vote in January 2021, are a sliding scale choice. Artists can choose which percentage of their support to contribute to the platform’s operating expenses. We are calling this a “Pay What’s Fair” model. These choices will be: 

  • 7%

  • 10%

  • 13%

In addition, we are also making hardship exemptions available (allowing artists to pay 0%) with the details on our new policy here.


Product management


In collaboration with one fellow co-product manager, I coordinated across design, product, and engineering teams to launch the Pay What’s Fair feature after speaking with artists.

This feature included updates to our artist onboarding experience as well as our payment system. It marked the start of Ampled earning revenue while staying true to our values of fairness and transparency as a cooperative.

To ensure artists were aware of this product launch, we announced it during our monthly community Open Forum meeting and across our newsletter, Instagram, Discord, and Twitter channels.




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